Leagues at Pioneer Pointe
Leagues are a great way to enjoy the game on a regular basis Golfers of all skill levels are welcome. For more information or to sign up for one of our leagues, call the Golf Shop at (608)338-4273
Tuesday Afternoon League
Learn more about our Tuesday Golf League and fill in the form by clicking here. To sign up, please stop by the golf shop or give us a call at (608)338-4273. Open to Everyone 18+
May 27th, – August 26th
$545 + tax per person/$1,090 + tax per team
All fees are due at time of sign up to reserve your spot.
Limited to the first 24 paid teams!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Marcus
Friday Couples
Exciting Team Games & Events!
Registration opens two weeks prior to each event and is limited to the first 24 couples.
$100, plus tax, per couple, per event.
6pm Shotgun Start.
Friday Couples Dates
June 6th
June 27th
July 11th
July 25th
August 8th
August 29th
A Flyer for Couples League can be found here